Can Quantum Mechanics Break the Laws of Physics?

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from Nagoya University in Japan and the Slovak Academy of Sciences have unveiled a new understanding of the relationship between quantum theory and thermodynamics. The team’s research reveals a crucial insight: while quantum theory does not inherently prohibit violations of the second law of thermodynamics, quantum processes can still be implemented in a manner that does not breach the law. This discovery, which was published in the journal npj Quantum Information, demonstrates that the two fields—quantum mechanics and thermodynamics—can coexist harmoniously, despite their apparent logical independence. This breakthrough opens up exciting possibilities for exploring the thermodynamic limits of quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and nanoscale engines, which are expected to play a central role in future technological advancements.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Its Significance

The second law of thermodynamics is one of the most fundamental and profound principles in physics. It asserts that the entropy of an isolated system, a measure of disorder or randomness, will never decrease spontaneously. In other words, natural processes tend to increase disorder, and systems move towards a state of greater entropy over time. The second law also has far-reaching implications, such as stating that a cyclically operating engine cannot produce mechanical work by extracting heat from a single thermal environment. It underscores the unidirectional flow of time, where processes are irreversible, adding to its mysterious and profound nature.

While this principle is widely accepted, it has also remained a source of philosophical debate and intellectual intrigue. Over the years, scientists have questioned the absolute universality of the second law, particularly in light of thought experiments that challenge its seemingly ironclad nature. One of the most famous of these thought experiments is the paradox of Maxwell’s Demon, proposed by physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1867.

Maxwell’s Demon: A Thought Experiment that Challenges the Second Law

Maxwell’s Demon introduces a hypothetical creature capable of sorting fast and slow-moving molecules within a gas at thermal equilibrium, without expending any energy. By separating these molecules into distinct regions, the demon could create a temperature difference, defying the second law, which asserts that entropy must increase in isolated systems. As the system returns to equilibrium, the demon could extract mechanical work from the heat energy, seemingly violating the second law by reducing entropy without any external energy input.

The paradox raised by Maxwell’s Demon has puzzled scientists for over a century, prompting many to revisit the second law and consider whether it is absolute or dependent on the observer’s knowledge and abilities. Over time, solutions to the paradox have centered on the idea that the demon, as a physical entity, must also obey the laws of thermodynamics. One proposed solution involves erasing the demon’s memory—a process that would require energy input—effectively offsetting the entropy reduction caused by the demon’s actions.

A Quantum Perspective on Maxwell’s Demon

The team of researchers from Nagoya University and the Slovak Academy of Sciences sought to investigate the phenomenon through the lens of quantum theory, offering a fresh perspective on Maxwell’s Demon and its apparent violation of the second law. To do so, the researchers developed a mathematical model of a “demonic engine”—a quantum system powered by Maxwell’s Demon. The model drew upon the framework of quantum instruments, a theory introduced in the 1970s and 1980s to describe the most general forms of quantum measurement.

In this model, the demon follows a series of steps: first, it measures a target system, then extracts work by coupling the system to a thermal environment, and finally, it erases its memory by interacting with the same environment. The researchers applied quantum information theory to this setup, deriving equations that express the work expended by the demon and the work it extracts, in terms of quantum information measures such as von Neumann entropy and Groenewold-Ozawa information gain.

When the researchers compared the work expended with the work extracted, they encountered an unexpected result. Under certain conditions allowed by quantum theory, the work extracted by the demon could exceed the work it expended, potentially violating the second law of thermodynamics.

Challenging the “Demon-Proof” Assumption of Quantum Theory

Shintaro Minagawa, the lead researcher on the project, remarked on the surprising outcome: “Our results showed that under certain conditions permitted by quantum theory, even after accounting for all costs, the work extracted can exceed the work expended, seemingly violating the second law of thermodynamics. This revelation was as exciting as it was unexpected, challenging the assumption that quantum theory is inherently ‘demon-proof.'”

This insight challenges the long-standing assumption that quantum theory automatically upholds the second law of thermodynamics. The researchers found that, despite the appearance of a loophole in quantum systems, these results do not pose a direct threat to the second law. The key point of their study is that while quantum processes may theoretically break the second law, they do not have to do so in practice.

Maintaining Harmony Between Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Hamed Mohammady, another lead researcher in the study, explained the key takeaway: “Our work demonstrates that, despite these theoretical vulnerabilities, it is possible to design any quantum process so that it complies with the second law.” In other words, the second law is not fundamentally violated by quantum processes—rather, it is possible to design quantum systems in a way that ensures compliance with thermodynamic principles.

The researchers emphasize that while quantum theory might allow for certain violations of the second law in specific situations, it is entirely possible to create quantum systems that respect the second law. In fact, the study establishes a remarkable harmony between the two fields: quantum theory and thermodynamics remain independent, yet they are not fundamentally at odds with each other.

Francesco Buscemi, another researcher involved in the study, added, “One thing we show in this paper is that quantum theory is really logically independent of the second law of thermodynamics. That is, it can violate the law simply because it does not ‘know’ about it at all. And yet—and this is just as remarkable—any quantum process can be realized without violating the second law of thermodynamics. This can be done by adding more systems until the thermodynamic balance is restored.”

This critical insight into the interplay between quantum theory and thermodynamics highlights that the laws of thermodynamics are not violated by quantum mechanics, but rather, quantum systems can be manipulated in such a way that they continue to conform to the second law.

Implications for Quantum Technologies

The implications of this research extend beyond the theoretical realm of physics. Understanding the thermodynamic limits of quantum systems is crucial for advancing quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and nanoscale engines. Quantum computing, which promises to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, artificial intelligence, and complex simulations, depends heavily on the ability to manage the thermodynamic efficiency of quantum systems. Nanoscale engines, which could lead to more efficient and compact machines, are similarly bound by thermodynamic principles.

By clarifying the relationship between quantum theory and thermodynamics, the researchers provide a foundational understanding that could guide future innovations in these emerging technologies. This research not only challenges traditional views of thermodynamics but also offers new opportunities for harnessing the unique properties of quantum systems for practical applications.


In conclusion, the study conducted by researchers from Nagoya University and the Slovak Academy of Sciences represents a major step forward in our understanding of the relationship between quantum theory and thermodynamics. Their findings shed light on the complex interplay between these two fields, revealing that while quantum theory does not inherently uphold the second law of thermodynamics, quantum systems can be designed in a way that fully respects thermodynamic principles.

This breakthrough has profound implications for the future of quantum technologies, providing a deeper understanding of their thermodynamic boundaries and potential. As quantum technologies continue to develop, this research will undoubtedly influence the design and implementation of systems that balance the principles of quantum mechanics with the timeless laws of thermodynamics.

Reference: npj Quantum Information (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41534-024-00922-w

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